IBM 3592 Model J70 Tape Drive![]() по запросу
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Артикул: IBM 3592 J70
IBM TotalStorage 3592 модели J70 позволяет присоединять накопитель к интерфейсам ESCON и FICON серверов IBM zSeries и S/390. Контроллер накопителя 3592 модели J70 позволяет устанавливать до 8 серверных соединений в системах ESCON и до 4 в системах FICON, поддерживая до 12 ленточных накопителей типа 3592. IBM TotalStorage™ Enterprise 3592 Tape Drive
Tape storage connectivity for IBM zSeries, S/390 servers The J70 Controller is designed to offer ESCON and FICON attachment of either 3592 or 3590 Tape Drives in a 3494 Tape Library, StorageTek ACS and stand-alone environments. The Model J70 is designed to exploit the performance and function of the 3592 Tape Drive including the highcapacity 300GB and 60GB fastaccess tape formats. In a zOS or OS/390 environment, an individual 3592 tape cartridge can be scaled to a 60 GB fast-access format. The effect of capacity scaling to 60 GB is to reduce the average locate time to a random record (from load point) to less than 30% of the normal locate time. Tape drives can be shared among FICON and ESCON hosts, allowing effective drive utilization and to help reduce hardware switching and fabric infrastructure requirements. The J70 Controller is built from IBM components, including the IBM pSeries, AIX® operating system and PCI-X bus architecture. Redundant, hot-swappable power supplies and cooling components with automatic failover help provide high availability for the Controller. In addition, the J70 Controller provides support for the IBM TotalStorage Master Console (TSMC) which allows administrators to remotely monitor the J70 Controller for early problem detection and to enable service notification, including automatic event-driven service notification to IBM. High-performance storage to help improve IT productivityThe J70 Controller has been designed to provide greater throughput and connectivity than previous IBM Controllers, offering up to eight ESCON attachments, or up to four FICON attachments, or an intermix of ESCON and FICON attachments. The J70 Controller is designed to provide up to 1.5 times the throughput of the A60. The J70 Controller is desgned to provide numerous functions to allow better performance for applications that require high data transfer rates, write many files to a tape cartridge, regularly synchronize records to the cartridge, or randomly retrieve records or files from a high capacity tape cartridge. This functionality is delivered by a combination of the J70 Controller microcode and OS/390 or zOS operating systems support. |